Fall Show and Sale
Join us for another great sale!
Bring a reusable bag as plastic bags will no longer be provided.
Join us for another great sale!
Bring a reusable bag as plastic bags will no longer be provided.
An exhibition in the second floor gallery showcasing the work of Norfolk Potter’s Guild & Studio.
Regular Hours: Thursday to Saturday 12:00 to 4:00
Open until 8:00 pm on Friday
Cash and credit accepted.
Masks required
at First Baptist Church 129 Young St. Simcoe, ON
Cash, Visa, Mastercard or cheques accepted.
Open until 8:00 pm Friday evening
Cash, credit or cheque accepted, no debit.
Plenty of parking available!
COVID protocols in place
It is SoupArt Bowl time at the Norfolk Arts Centre! Now in its 11th year, SoupART Bowls is an annual event that celebrates the visual and culinary arts in Norfolk County. Proceeds of the event support educational programming at the Norfolk Arts Centre.
This year the event will take place on Thursday, March 21 at the Norfolk Arts Centre, 21 Lynnwood Avenue, Simcoe. Tickets can be purchased for either the 4:30 to 6:00 pm sitting or the 6:30 to 8:00 pm sitting. With the purchase of a ticket, patrons get to select a fabulous, original ceramic bowl made by a member of the Norfolk Potters' Guild, receive a SoupART Bowls souvenir recipe book, and have their name automatically entered to win a fabulous door prize. Come spend a leisurely evening wandering through the galleries, savouring soups from some of Norfolk County’ s finest restaurants, Jensen Cheese, bread and locally produced beverages.
Tickets are $35 (HST included). Tickets can be purchased in person at the Norfolk Arts Centre (cash, debit or cheque) or online at Eventbrite. NAC Members received a 10% discount.
Nofolk Potters' Guild | 97 Pond St, Simcoe, ON, N3Y 1R1, Canada